Thursday, 7 June 2012


Assalamu’alaikum and a very good day to all of you…howhowhow…XD
How are you today? Is everything fine?..teehee..>.<

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In this post, I would like to share with you guys about the topic that we’ve learned in our 9th class, which was HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language.

So, I want to ask you guys a question. What is Hyper Text Markup Language?

Well, HTML is the language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will know how to display that document's links, text, graphics and attached media.
Let’s say, if we want the words that we typed is moving or in bold or anything, there is a language that a browser could make it as what we want that words to be. Only the browsing software and some computer science people could really understand the meaning of the language.

For example, the symbol  <p> is used to indicate the start of a paragraph, and </p> to indicate the end of a paragraph. 
In other words, HTML is a special kind of text document that is used by Web browsers to present text and graphics. The text also includes markup tags.
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What about an HTML file??...
·       An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
·       The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page
·       An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension (xxx.html, xxx.htm)
·       An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

There are three basic levels to the structure of an HTML document.
• First is the document structure, which is divided into major sections - such as the head, body and script components.
• Second are the divisions within each of the major sections such as titles, meta data, divisions, paragraphs, forms and headings.
• The third level exists primarily within each of the major sections. It is the substructure of elements and their children, such as lists and list items, forms and form elements, and tables with table rows and data cells.

Here is an example of the basic structures of a web page.

HEAD  < > Here you can put important document information such as frames, 
language, and special instructions.
<TITLE>Title of your page.</TITLE>
<BODY> Put your story, pictures, links, and everything else here.
<H1>Heading of your paragraph.</H1>
<P>This is where you enter the text of your document.</P>
 is where you enter the text of your document.
This is how to write a link:
<A HREF="">Title or what you want to say.</A>

So, if you are interested to learn more about the language or the HTML, you can go to:-

•HTML Tutorial (pdf-local)

A beginer Guide to HTML (pdf)

Hey, guys! Do you know that HTML has gone through many changes and updates??...
Some of the variations in HTML are:-
• VRML ( Virtual Reality Markup Language).
• XHTML (Extensible HTML )
• XTML (Extensible Markup Language)

Well, I think that’s all for now. Thank you for visiting my blog..;)
See you on the next post…^^

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Yeaahhh!!..never give up in life!!..>.<

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