Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Assalam. Hye, are you??...XD

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I'm Cool....:)
Today, I'm gonna share with you guys about the topic that we learned today which is IP and cyberlaws. What is IP actually?

IP is intellectual property, which means all things that we create such as music, movies, film, symbols, logos, creations and inventions.

There are three three types of IP which are:

1. Copyright
2. Trademark
3. Patent

My group talks about copyright. What is copyright actually?

Copyright is a form of protection available to the creator of an original artistic, musical or literary work such as book, movie, software program and etc. It gives the copyright yholder the exclusive right to publish, reproduce, distribute, perform, or display the work.  Anyone wishing to use copyright materials must first obtain permission from the copyright holder and and pay any required fee.

There is a permission for anyone who want to use the copyright, which we called as FAIR USE. 

Concept of FAIR USE permits limited duplication and use of a portion of a copyright material for special purpose such as teaching, research, critism, news reporting and commenting.

Then we learned about PATENT.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
You can visit this link for more information about patent. 

Next, we learned about TRADEMARK.
A trademark is a sign which distinguishes the goods and services  of one trader from those of another. A mark includes words, logos, pictures, names, letters, numbers or a combination of   these. A trade mark is used as a marketing tool to enable customers in recognizing the product of a particular trader.

Some of the trademarks in the world. 

Next, we learned about industrial design.

How many of you know what industrial design is?...muehehe..>.<

Industrial design involves creating manmade products and improving their look, feel and function. Industrial designers carry a product from an initial idea on paper to computer-assisted design to physical prototype to final product. Multifunction cellular phones, 4x4 trucks, household appliances, retail displays and fixtures, running shoes and product packaging are all results of industrial designers doing their jobs. A chair is a good example of a simple object that undergoes extensive planning from an industrial design perspective. A designer needs to consider not only the appearance and function of the chair but also these factors:

ü Practicality and durability of the materials
ü Physical characteristics of the consumers most likely to use that particular chair
ü Comfort and fatigue factors related to extended use
ü Environmental and safety concerns
ü The client's budget

Then, we learned Geographical Indication.

Geographical indications are place names (in some countries also words associated with a place) used to identify the origin and quality, reputation or other characteristics of products (for example, “Champagne”, “Tequila” or “Roquefort”).
Or in Malaysia, some of the example is Laksa Penang, Mee Bandung Muar, Sate Kajang, Otak-Otak Kempas, etc. You got what I mean?haha…
Visit this webpage to know more about Geographical Indication.

After that, we learned about LayoutDesign Of An Integrated 

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An example of an integrated-circuit
 A layoutdesign of an integrated circuit is the  three-dimensional disposition of the elements  of an integrated circuit and some or all of the interconnections of the integrated circuit or such threedimensional disposition prepared for an integrated circuit intended for manufacture. The law that protects layout
designs  of integrated circuits is the Layoutdesigns of  Integrated 
Circuits Act 2000

There are several Cyberlaws in Malaysia that we also learned in the class. They are:-
  1. Digital Signature Act 1997
  2. Computer Crime Act 1997
  3. The Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997
  4. The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998
  5. TheElectronic Government Activities Act 2007

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