Friday, 8 June 2012

Internet and Computer Security

Assalamu’alaikum. Well, hello there! How are you today? ^^

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In this post, I want to share with you guys about the lesson that me and my friends have learned in our last class. It was the chapter ‘Networking/Computer Security’.
Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and networkaccessible resources. 

Then, we learned about unauthorized access or unauthorized use.
There are two types of unauthorized access, which are:-
1.   Hacking
2.   Interception of Communication

The word "hacking" has two definitions. The first definition refers to the hobby/profession of working with computers. The second definition refers to breaking into computer systems.

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In order to protect our computer or our system from these culprits, we could use:-
1.   Access Control System
2.   Password
3.   Firewalls
4.   Encryption
5.   VPN

Then, we learned about computer sabotage. There are two types of computer sabotage which are viruses and malware and also denial of service.
Some of the examples of viruses and malware are:-

3.   Trojan Horses
4.   Mobile Malware

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Trojan Horse...

Next, we learned about identity theft. There are three types of identity theft. They are:-
1.   Identity theft
2.   Phissing and spear phissing
3.   Pharming and drive-by farming

That's all for now...bye...:)

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Thursday, 7 June 2012


Assalamu’alaikum and a very good day to all of you…howhowhow…XD
How are you today? Is everything fine?..teehee..>.<

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In this post, I would like to share with you guys about the topic that we’ve learned in our 9th class, which was HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language.

So, I want to ask you guys a question. What is Hyper Text Markup Language?

Well, HTML is the language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will know how to display that document's links, text, graphics and attached media.
Let’s say, if we want the words that we typed is moving or in bold or anything, there is a language that a browser could make it as what we want that words to be. Only the browsing software and some computer science people could really understand the meaning of the language.

For example, the symbol  <p> is used to indicate the start of a paragraph, and </p> to indicate the end of a paragraph. 
In other words, HTML is a special kind of text document that is used by Web browsers to present text and graphics. The text also includes markup tags.
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What about an HTML file??...
·       An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
·       The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page
·       An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension (xxx.html, xxx.htm)
·       An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

There are three basic levels to the structure of an HTML document.
• First is the document structure, which is divided into major sections - such as the head, body and script components.
• Second are the divisions within each of the major sections such as titles, meta data, divisions, paragraphs, forms and headings.
• The third level exists primarily within each of the major sections. It is the substructure of elements and their children, such as lists and list items, forms and form elements, and tables with table rows and data cells.

Here is an example of the basic structures of a web page.

HEAD  < > Here you can put important document information such as frames, 
language, and special instructions.
<TITLE>Title of your page.</TITLE>
<BODY> Put your story, pictures, links, and everything else here.
<H1>Heading of your paragraph.</H1>
<P>This is where you enter the text of your document.</P>
 is where you enter the text of your document.
This is how to write a link:
<A HREF="">Title or what you want to say.</A>

So, if you are interested to learn more about the language or the HTML, you can go to:-

•HTML Tutorial (pdf-local)

A beginer Guide to HTML (pdf)

Hey, guys! Do you know that HTML has gone through many changes and updates??...
Some of the variations in HTML are:-
• VRML ( Virtual Reality Markup Language).
• XHTML (Extensible HTML )
• XTML (Extensible Markup Language)

Well, I think that’s all for now. Thank you for visiting my blog..;)
See you on the next post…^^

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Yeaahhh!!..never give up in life!!..>.<

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Assalam. Hye, are you??...XD

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I'm Cool....:)
Today, I'm gonna share with you guys about the topic that we learned today which is IP and cyberlaws. What is IP actually?

IP is intellectual property, which means all things that we create such as music, movies, film, symbols, logos, creations and inventions.

There are three three types of IP which are:

1. Copyright
2. Trademark
3. Patent

My group talks about copyright. What is copyright actually?

Copyright is a form of protection available to the creator of an original artistic, musical or literary work such as book, movie, software program and etc. It gives the copyright yholder the exclusive right to publish, reproduce, distribute, perform, or display the work.  Anyone wishing to use copyright materials must first obtain permission from the copyright holder and and pay any required fee.

There is a permission for anyone who want to use the copyright, which we called as FAIR USE. 

Concept of FAIR USE permits limited duplication and use of a portion of a copyright material for special purpose such as teaching, research, critism, news reporting and commenting.

Then we learned about PATENT.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
You can visit this link for more information about patent. 

Next, we learned about TRADEMARK.
A trademark is a sign which distinguishes the goods and services  of one trader from those of another. A mark includes words, logos, pictures, names, letters, numbers or a combination of   these. A trade mark is used as a marketing tool to enable customers in recognizing the product of a particular trader.

Some of the trademarks in the world. 

Next, we learned about industrial design.

How many of you know what industrial design is?...muehehe..>.<

Industrial design involves creating manmade products and improving their look, feel and function. Industrial designers carry a product from an initial idea on paper to computer-assisted design to physical prototype to final product. Multifunction cellular phones, 4x4 trucks, household appliances, retail displays and fixtures, running shoes and product packaging are all results of industrial designers doing their jobs. A chair is a good example of a simple object that undergoes extensive planning from an industrial design perspective. A designer needs to consider not only the appearance and function of the chair but also these factors:

ü Practicality and durability of the materials
ü Physical characteristics of the consumers most likely to use that particular chair
ü Comfort and fatigue factors related to extended use
ü Environmental and safety concerns
ü The client's budget

Then, we learned Geographical Indication.

Geographical indications are place names (in some countries also words associated with a place) used to identify the origin and quality, reputation or other characteristics of products (for example, “Champagne”, “Tequila” or “Roquefort”).
Or in Malaysia, some of the example is Laksa Penang, Mee Bandung Muar, Sate Kajang, Otak-Otak Kempas, etc. You got what I mean?haha…
Visit this webpage to know more about Geographical Indication.

After that, we learned about LayoutDesign Of An Integrated 

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An example of an integrated-circuit
 A layoutdesign of an integrated circuit is the  three-dimensional disposition of the elements  of an integrated circuit and some or all of the interconnections of the integrated circuit or such threedimensional disposition prepared for an integrated circuit intended for manufacture. The law that protects layout
designs  of integrated circuits is the Layoutdesigns of  Integrated 
Circuits Act 2000

There are several Cyberlaws in Malaysia that we also learned in the class. They are:-
  1. Digital Signature Act 1997
  2. Computer Crime Act 1997
  3. The Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997
  4. The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998
  5. TheElectronic Government Activities Act 2007

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Web 2.0 - Web Conferencing

Assalamu’alaikum. Well, hello are you today? How is life?teehee…>_<

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Hye guys!!...^^

In this post, I’m gonna share with you guys about the lesson that we’ve learned in our 8th class.

In this class, we learned about basic concept of web based learning, IP-Enabled Services Chatting, Internet Phone, Discussion groups, Bulletin board, Mailing List, Listserv, Blogs etc. Web-based Learning is actually an online learning which could be learned through internet-based learning. 

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An example of a web-besed learning software

• Online learning constitutes just one part of technology-based learning and describes learning via Internet, intranet, and extranet.

Do you know the differences between them?

The Internet is a large group of computers that are connected to each other. The Internet is used to send information quickly between computers around the world. It has millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks and websites, which together carry many different kinds of information (facts and details) and services. So in other words, the Internet is a network of networks.

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Intranet is the generic term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization. An intranet uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate communication between people or work groups to improve the data sharing capability and overall knowledge base of an organization's employees.

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Maybe this could help you to understand more about intranet.

While extranet an extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside the company. It has also been described as a "state of mind" in which the Internet is perceived as a way to do business with other companies as well as to sell products to customers.

See this webpage to read more about extranet…teehee..>.<

Then we learned about Internet Relay Chat (IRC). There are two kind of IRC which are:-
1)  Synchronous
2)  Asynchronous
See this video to understand about them more.

Then, we learned about Mailing List, Listserv, Bulletin Board and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

Well, that’s all folks. See ya..^^


Assalam. Hye, guys! How are you today? How is everything?....>.<
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Now, I want to share with you guys the lesson that we learned in our 7th class. 

That day, we learned about electronic mail or e-mail. The world is getting modern nowadays. I believe that most of us write letters less nowadays as we already have e-mail which is faster and cheaper, right?..hoho

There are some advantages if we use in our life. As we all know, usage of e-mail is faster and cheaper. It is an up-to-date method to post someone a letter if we use e-mail. 

However, e-mail can be easily hacked by the intruders. For example, someone can use other person’s commercial name instead of using their own name. Maybe they have bad intention towards us. Some of them also want a sum of big money and they said that they wanted to use the money for good purpose. They wanted us to give some of our money to the account number given. Who knows what their real intention is?

Want to know more about e-mails? Kindly visit this web page.
Here are the other advantages and disadvantages of e-mail that I did not mention up there.…teehee...>_<....
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Pic of e-mail…

Then we learned about BCC and CC. 
CC is the acronym for carbon copy while BCC stands for blind carbon copy. When you use CC, you are sending a copy of the email to a second person, in addition to the primary recipient.
When you BCC someone, the email recipient receives a copy, but no one else can see that she did.

Protects Your Friends' Identity

Or you can read this link for more information...^^

There are two types of protocol if we receive e-mail from anybody. They are:
1)   Post Office Protocol (POP)
2)   Internet Access Message Protocol (IMAP)


If we use POP, the message or the mail that we received will not be copy at the server. On the other hand, if we use IMAP, that mail will be copied at the server. To make you more understand about these two protocols, see this web page......teehee..>_<

Next, we learned about TelNet and FTP. 

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TelNet is a TCP/IP terminal emulation Protocol which enables remote login(s) - the ability to login to another computer (the remote computer) from your local computer. 

~"Telnet to a host" means to establish a connection across the Internet from one host to another. Usually, you must have an account on the remote host to be able to login
Log on to a remote computer as a regular user with whatever privileges (you may have been granted) to the specific application and data.

Visit this link to find out more about TelNet…..^^

Now, let’s move on to FTP. Do you know FTP is?

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Example of FTP

FTP is a protocol that allow computers to communicate with each other across the Internet to arrange for the transfer of files from one computer to another. FTP ('File Transfer Protocol') is a way to quickly upload and download files on the Internet. Not all computers provide FTP service.

Host (server) computers must run FTP server software to manage connections from client machines requiring FTP access to the server’s files. FTP provides clients with a window into the server that displays the files that can be copied to the client machine’s storage media.
Kindly visit this webpage to know more about FTP.

There are two types of FTP
  1. "anonymous"
  2. "non-anonymous."

The most widely used type is anonymous FTP.
If a file is stored in an anonymous FTP directory virtually anyone with Internet access and an FTP program of some sort, even a web browser, can download the file. Uploading, on the other hand, is not usually possible with anonymous FTP. 

I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading my blog, guys..see ya.. ;)